The ban took place on Friday, October 28, 2005. The regulations are that you aren't allowed to own, breed, transfer, import, or abandon Pit Bulls and if you had a pit bull during the ban you could keep your Pit Bull but in public places the dog has to be kept on a 1.8 meter leash and muzzled at all times. There is a $10,000 fine and/or six months of imprisonment and/or the animal can be taken away or destroyed.

I personally think that this ban is horrible. First of all dogs act like their owner. If you teach a pit bull to fight it will be aggressive. Any dog can be turned into a dangerous weapon. If owner can't raise their dogs in a caring environment they shouldn't be owning them. Banning a breed starts a ripple effect which endangers all other purebreds. Italy started with a ban of 13 breeds and now they're up to 40. They just banned welsh corgis. The media is also consistently portraying pit bulls as bad dogs. The other side will claim that pit bulls attack more than any other dogs. Dogwatch an organisation that is strongly against breed specific legislation, declared that in the same time period their were 11 pit bull attacks and 4000 other attacks caused by other breeds. The top three biters are : German Shepards, Cocker spaniels, and Golden retrievers.
Responsible breeders shouldn't breed dogs that are aggressive and have pit bull fighting abilities. Working and fighting dogs have temperamental requirements that need to be handled with sensitivity. This is why the ban is horrible.
Aggressive pit bull
The dogs should be banned only b/c we are viscious & hateful people who could care less about our fellow man. We will sic our dogs on other people in a heartbeat. I can't even walk any neighborhood b/c the dogs are out w/o a leash & the owner is nowhere to be found. It's scary b/c u haven't a clue of how that stray's owner has raised him.
ReplyDeleteMy point is that the people should be punished,not the dogs